I can do everything through HIM who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13
A little about us
We are a village church, about fifteen miles east of Binghamton, NY.
As noted below, we have been around for a long time and hope to be around a lot longer.
Our members range in age from two months to ninety-eight years.
Visitors are always welcome, and newcomers will be a part of the action before they have a chance to settle in the pews.
Sunday School is held weekly from September to May and starts right after the Youth Message of the main worship service. We have classes and activities for all ages - try us!
Though small in numbers, we are active; with praise events, bible studies and fellowship suppers happening many nights of the month.
Our music is second to none. Services often include piano, drums, a guitar or two, perhaps a flute, or even a cello! Our Alleluia Bell ensemble plays choral arrangements for special events. The organ is in use weekly and guest soloists are common.
Enjoy your visit to our site and do come back anytime.
Better yet, stop in and connect with the fellowship at a worship service or an event.
See you in church!

Gift of the Royer Family 2014
Pastor: Debra Arnold
Secretary: Susan Bennett
Treasurer: Ellen McNulty
Custodian: Nichole Merrill
56 Chapel Street
Windsor, NY 13865
P.O. Box 36
Windsor, NY 13865
Office: 607- 655-1791
Our Volunteer Leaders
- Trustees:
- Chair: John McNulty
- Vice Chair: Matt Wightman
- Secretary: Kate Daum
- Treasurer: Geri Tow
- Norm Quinn
- Bob Bodee
- Church Council: ** Position needs to be filled **
- Head Usher: Bob Bennett
- Lay Leader: Carol Carpenetti
- Christian Education Teachers: Terry Walker, Heather Noyd, Kara Clarke
- Children's Music Directors: Loa Bagg Noyd, Paul Noyd Jr.
- Staff/Pastor Parish Relations: Cindy Martin
- Finance Committee Chair: Sandra Dodd
- Church Finance Secretary: Kate Daum
- Missions Chair: Laurie Wightman
- Church Council Secretary: Jenna Amberge
- Lay Member at Large: Jenna Amberge
- Lay Member to Conference: Matt Williams
- Communion Steward: Cheryl Mogenson
- Lay Reader / Greeter Coordinator: Isabelle Jahn
- God's Bread Coordinator: Jill Skinner
- Prayer Shawl Ministry: Carol Prentice, Nancy Washburn
- United Women of Faith Chair: Jeannie Ditch
- Memorial Fund: Jeannie Ditch
- Student Awards: Sally Forbidussi, Jill Skinner
- Grief Share Facilitators: Carol Holland, Jenna Amberge
- Website Administrator: Ben Amberge
- *Note that committee chair positions are members of Church Council
- YOUR NAME SHOULD BE HERE - how can you help?